Browsing articles tagged with "google | Website Design Aberdeen"

Website Development: Uphold the Eminence, Diminish the Price

Mar 28, 2012   //   by admin   //   Blog, Online Design, Online Marketing, Website Design  //  2 Comments

Individuals with an aspiration for a website, whether it is for personal or commercial use, face exertion, when in consultation with developers of such profession. They are forced to come to terms with such inadequacies by paying for the hour of time spent rather than the toil of purpose. Therefore, there are designers who are enthusiastic and prepared to provide such creativity at a much more reasonable expenditure. Of course, you maintain and control the expenses and design however, there is some demeanour which is as follows. Read more >>

Effective SEO with Images?

Mar 26, 2012   //   by admin   //   Blog, Online Marketing, Search Engine Optimization  //  No Comments

Optimization with Images and Pictures

According to product development and design manager at Google, their main responsibility is to create a world map of images and position them in an appropriate and relevant way for searches. The main idea is always very simple – get the most relevant images when individuals search for a term. Based on that we can figure out that image optimization is becoming more and more important for indexing and crawling your website. Read more >>

PageRank – how it works?

Mar 26, 2012   //   by admin   //   Blog, Google, Online Marketing, Search Engine Optimization  //  No Comments

As a result of the recent PageRank update, we will be highlighting the pros and cons of PageRank and how it links to Search Engine Optimisation. PageRank is a trademark of Google and uses a link analysis algorithm to measure the relevancy of the content on a webpage compared to a search. PageRank is patented to Stanford University, who have given exclusive rights of its use to Google. In exchange, Google gave shares worth 1.8 million dollars to Stanford. Stanford later sold the Google shares for 330 million dollars. Read more >>

New social networking platform: Google+

Mar 19, 2012   //   by admin   //   Blog, Google, Online Marketing, Search Engine Optimization  //  No Comments

Google+, a new social networking platform. Google+ was introduced in June 2011, and at first, critics questioned whether or not this would make an impact on Facebook. The conclusion was that it would just be another minor annoyance for Facebook to get over.Now however, US metrics have shown that Google+, in only 6 months, has exceeded 50million users. And with the likes of the Founder of (Paul Allen) who has been tracking new user sign ups, believes that it is closer to 62million. This social networking platform may not be just a minor annoyance to Facebook. Read more >>