Browsing articles tagged with "online marketing aberdeen | Website Design Aberdeen"

What To Look For in a SEO Company

Apr 11, 2012   //   by admin   //   Blog, Online Marketing, Search Engine Optimization  //  No Comments

In this day and age there is an abundance of online businesses, search for any appropriate facet of enquiry that applies to your own operation and it is quite possible that your company name will not be among those in the top listed results. With so many online competitors it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate yourself from the crowd. This is where Search Engine Optimization could be greatly beneficial to your organisation. Social Media Marketing is an online method that enables you to accrue acknowledgement from your target market, and potentially enhance it to a worldwide audience. Read more >>

New social networking platform: Google+

Mar 19, 2012   //   by admin   //   Blog, Google, Online Marketing, Search Engine Optimization  //  No Comments

Google+, a new social networking platform. Google+ was introduced in June 2011, and at first, critics questioned whether or not this would make an impact on Facebook. The conclusion was that it would just be another minor annoyance for Facebook to get over.Now however, US metrics have shown that Google+, in only 6 months, has exceeded 50million users. And with the likes of the Founder of (Paul Allen) who has been tracking new user sign ups, believes that it is closer to 62million. This social networking platform may not be just a minor annoyance to Facebook. Read more >>